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The Riq is a small hand-held frame drum with cymbals. The frame is usually made of wood (a few aluminum models exist), and is 9 to 10 inches in diameter. It is traditionally fitted with fish skin, although modern riqs use plastic (Mylar) instead. The cymbals give the riq its distinctive sound. They are made of brass (around 0.8mm to 0.9mm thick) and come in 5 (sometimes 6) groups of four.

The riq can be used to play very complex rhythmic cycles and ornamentations using intricate fingering technique, and can produce a wide variety of sounds by utilizing the skin, the wood frame and the cymbals.

The riq is usually the only percussion instrument in a takht (traditional Arabic chamber group) and its player is called dabet al-iqa‘ (controller/manager of rhythm).
